Excuse the mess!

The dustbunnies have had the run of the place far too long, so
Two Bubbles is undergoing a long overdue makeover. Hence, the
posts on the Gatchells' journey from Weymouth to Massachusetts
and their lives there will sink from view into Older Posts,
so if you've a mind to read them again, a synopsis with
links to all of them is about halfway down the righthand
column under "On the 8th day, God created Marblehead".

Apologies for any confusion.

Inside St. Augustine's...

>> Saturday, January 23, 2010

Charles Edward "C.E." Banks implies in his Topographical Dictionary of 2885 English Emigrants to New England, 1620-1650 that John and Samuel were born in the West Monkton area of Somerset, where there was a significant Gatchell family presence at the correct time. A fire in the West Monkton parsonage destroyed the parish's records, therefore no definitive birth records exist proving the birth locality or parentage of John or Samuel. Consequently, their presumed births in the West Monkton area is based largely on circumstantial evidence.

High on a wall inside St. Augustine's (left) in West Monkton is a Gatchell family monument. Its location denotes they were prominent members of the community, although not titled.

In fact, the monument is so high on the wall that on my visit there in 2003, I couldn't make out what it said, even by (shhh...don't tell anyone) standing on the back of a pew.


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